If you are late night reader like me, this would be a very useful thing for you. I only found out about it because I was getting a headache reading black text against the white background in the dark.
A bit of searching through the inrernet for a night mode function in the Foxit reader, and I found it's actually very simple.
I use Foxit as my PDF reader, however Adobe works in a very similar way, so the following steps will work for both.
Please note that the steps may vary according to your version. The version I am using are:
- Foxit Reader:
- Adobe Reader: 9.1.0
1. First you need to find the 'Preferences' section.
In Foxit, just go to
File and click
In Adobe, right click on the document and select
Page Display Preferences.
After this both Foxit and Adobe should be the same.
2. In 'Preferences', go to 'Accessibility'
Check the
Replace Document Colors box then select
Custom Color.
3. Change the colors.
Change page background to black and document text to white. However you might prefer the text to slightly grey if you are reading in complete darkness so that there is less contrast.
There you go! Now you can read the PDFs comfortably without straining your eyes.
If you have more tips regarding the 'night mode', be sure to comment below.