Sunday 4 October 2015

I'm Feeling Curious

So today I was just decided to look for some fun facts to post here. So naturally, I type 'Fun facts' in Google and I discovered a new feature in Google:
What it simply does is that it gives a random fact every time you refresh it.

It's a good feature for a scraps collector like me.

Thursday 20 August 2015

'Night Mode' in Foxit reader and Adobe

If you are late night reader like me, this would be a very useful thing for you. I only found out about it because I was getting a headache reading black text against the white background in the dark.

A bit of searching through the inrernet for a night mode function in the Foxit reader, and I found it's actually very simple.

I use Foxit as my PDF reader, however Adobe works in a very similar way, so the following steps will work for both.

Please note that the steps may vary according to your version. The version I am using are:
- Foxit Reader:
- Adobe Reader: 9.1.0

1. First you need to find the 'Preferences' section.
In Foxit, just go to File and click Preferences.
In Adobe, right click on the document and select Page Display Preferences.
After this both Foxit and Adobe should be the same.

2. In 'Preferences', go to 'Accessibility'
Check the Replace Document Colors box then select Custom Color.

3. Change the colors.
Change page background to black and document text to white. However you might prefer the text to slightly grey if you are reading in complete darkness so that there is less contrast.

There you go! Now you can read the PDFs comfortably without straining your eyes.

If you have more tips regarding the 'night mode', be sure to comment below.

Monday 29 December 2014

"... I was my own grandfather."

‘I married a widow who had a grown-up daughter. My father visited our house very often, fell in love with my stepdaughter, and married her. So my father became my son-in law, and my step-daughter my mother, because she was my father’s wife. Some time afterwards, my wife gave birth to a son; he was my father’s brother-in-law, and my uncle, for he was the brother of my step-mother. My father’s wife — i.e. my step-daughter — had also a son; he was, of course, my brother, and in the mean time my grandchild, for he was the son of my daughter. My wife was my grandmother, because she was my mother’s mother. I was my wife’s husband and the grandchild at the same time. And as the husband of a person’s grandmother is his grandfather, I was my own grandfather.’

Friday 26 December 2014

The Monster Within

There's a monster in everyone, but others are too scared to release it.. Or maybe they just need a trigger.

Tuesday 23 December 2014

The Butterfly Effect - The Confusion

Recently I watched the movie The Butterfly Effect. Now, before you read any further, I would like to say I haven't watched the sequels to this. I have only seen the first one yet, so it may be possible that my curiosities will be answered by the sequels. But anyway, let me just note down the couple of questions I had just after finishing the movie.

The first point relates to the blackouts that Evan have. Why did he have the blackouts in the first place? Was it because he travelled back in time in those particular moments? However you have to note that he reads those particular moments in life when he had the blackouts to travel in time. And after the blackouts occur, the events that occur right after the blackout corresponded to the events right after the when he time travels. So the events occurring right after the blackouts are, in fact, the events which occur after he tries to change them. So when he grows up, he tries to change the same events that had already changed when travelled before. So how does the different timelines occur? I am sure you can already feel the confusion even while reading this and I haven't even finished my first point yet.

Another question linking to the same point made above: How did his life turn out so that he discovered about time travel before he learnt about his powers of time travel? I mean, this is the third timeline he is getting ( the stillborns in his mother?) We are not even told what happens the in the first timeline.

The second point relates to the stillborn. The mother had 2 stillborns BEFORE the current timeline. At the end, in this timeline, there was 3. So assuming all the stillborns were Evan, then this would mean that the current is the 3rd time he has born. So how does he get born again over and over? Did his father Jason has something to do with this through his own power of time travel? If so, then would it mean that Evan will born yet again because Jason would interfere? I have no idea if the points I am making are even reasonable, but if my reasoning is true then it means that this cycle of Evan being born, then travelling back to when his mother was pregnant, getting still born and then getting birth again will continue forever, with the mother obviously suffering the most.

Anyway, I hope what I have written makes sense. If you haven't yet watched this movie, I highly recommend it to you.


Karate: the ancient Japanese art of getting people to buy lots of belt.

Monday 22 December 2014

No Advice

Sometimes the best advice in life is no advice. Because it shows that there is no easy way to get anything in life.

However, isn't this statement itself an advice? If so, is it even possible to have 'no advice' at all?